ࡱ> (*'a jbjb + rrrr ~ N  ,RVP  "  :! ,  K2r M 0NW R Motion: CEPP moves that the faculty establish an affiliation with the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) in Beijing for the ļֱ in Beijing Program. Rationale: This motion comes to CEPP from the Beijing Steering Committee and Cori Filson, Director of International Programs. The rationale is as follows: For the past three years ļֱs program in China has been hosted by Beijing University. While the program at Beijing University has been largely successful, the College is unable to maintain that affiliation. As the Beijing Steering Committee investigated alternative options, it discovered that IES was able to provide a customized program, similar to that which we already maintain for our First-Year Experience in London. Through IES, ļֱ is able to develop a unique program that takes into account our academic and administrative needs in Beijing. Partnering with IES will allow us not only to maintain a program in Beijing that is financially feasible, but which also offers several enhancements to our current Beijing program. These enhancements include: Increased control over the curriculum. IES will work closely with the College to ensure that courses and instructors meet ļֱs standards for quality. (Currently, Beijing University controls the courses and instructors). Increased variety of content courses. Students will be able to choose from 5 to 7 content courses covering business, economics, government, literature, art, science, and more. (Currently, the students have no choice in content courses). Expanded fieldwork opportunities. IES will be able to offer a wider variety of fieldwork options while also developing a fieldwork course that more closely matches our specifications. Individual tutors for both the language course and fieldwork course. Students will be paired with two distinct tutors to assist them with their language acquisition, and with the work on their research projects. The steering committee believes that this offers students more opportunity to interact directly with their Chinese peers. (Currently, students are permitted to work with one individual tutor for their fieldwork project, but are not required to do so). Housing options with Chinese students or families. ļֱ students will have the opportunity to live with Chinese roommates or Chinese families. (Currently, they live with fellow ļֱ students, other students from American colleges and universities, and/or other international students). Significant opportunities for ļֱ faculty. Every third year, the program will host a ļֱ faculty director who will teach one China-related course. During the years in which there is no faculty director in Beijing, we can imagine sending delegations to and from Beijing to encourage educational exchange among faculty. T y 6 Z # C  ѯѯѯѯѯѯѤhjhz^JaJ hB hz6B*^JaJph hjhz5B*^JaJphhjhzB*^JaJphhjhB B*^JaJph hjhB 5B*^JaJphPQS T 6 #  $7$8$@&H$a$gdz & Fgdzgdz $7$8$H$a$gdz)0P:pz/ =!"#$%@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH B@B s Heading 17$8$@&H$OJQJV@V I Heading 3$<@&5CJOJQJ\^JaJJ@J I Heading 4$<@&5CJ\aJN@N I Heading 5 <@&56CJ\]aJDA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListXC@X IBody Text Indent `CJOJQJ^JaJBB@B I Body TextCJOJQJ^JaJ\O\ I homebodytextdd[$B*CJOJQJaJphTO!T I paragraph11%6:;CJOJQJ]aJo(ph !z PQST6#    0`ƀ00`ƀ0`ƀ0`ƀ0 0` 0`ƀ 0`ƀ 0`ƀ 0`ƀ 0`ƀ0R0`PQST6#    0000R0R0R 0R 0R 0R 0R 0R 0R0R^>00@      -dr=%}Sh ^`hH.h ^`hH.h pLp^p`LhH.h @ @ ^@ `hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.h ^`hH.h ^`hH.h PLP^P`LhH.h^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohpp^p`OJQJo(hHh@ @ ^@ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohPP^P`OJQJo(hH-dr=%}                  P  @Ӏ P @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 ArialKBookman Old Style7 Verdana? Courier New;Wingdings"@hjjei6-Rm7!r4d 3QH)?C~Motion: CEPP moves that the faculty establish an affiliation with the Institute for the International Education of Studies (IE Skidmore UserDeb Hall   Oh+'0(4LXdt     'Motion: CEPP moves that the faculty establish an affiliation with the Institute for the International Education of Studies (IEļֱ UserNormal Deb Hall2Microsoft Word 11.3@@f<~r@ 1r@ 1ri ՜.+,0x hp  W'ļֱ6 Motion: CEPP moves that the faculty establish an affiliation with the Institute for the International Education of Studies (IE Title  !"#$%&)Root Entry F׾r+1Table WordDocument+SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjXObjectPool׾r׾r FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8