ࡱ> PROa *jbjb )N$8tnnz||||||,R?||||jz|D,z||:,b I= d0  ||Short-Term Study Abroad Courses and Programs Expression of Intent By their very nature study abroad courses involve educational, geographic, financial, and administrative elements that go well beyond most traditional, classroom-centered courses. While the central criterion in evaluating proposals for this type of course is the educational value of the travel component, the unique nature and cost of short-term study abroad courses lead the college to use an extended time frame and more extensive criteria for their development and review. Given the preparation time and resources required for study abroad courses, an expression of intent to propose a short-term study abroad course or program should follow the deadlines outlined below. The Curriculum Committee will review and approve courses based upon their pedagogical merit, but because of financial and administrative factors, the final decision to offer a short-term study abroad course rests with the Dean of the Faculty in consultation with the directors of the Office of International Programs or Summer Sessions. For most short-term study abroad courses, including new and existing courses, sponsoring faculty should anticipate a 12-18 month process of proposing, planning and preparing the course. For example, faculty proposing a study abroad course for academic year (winter or spring break) 2008 should submit expression of intent by October 15, 2006. Faculty proposing a study abroad course for summer 2007 should submit expression of intent by June 1, 2006. Short-term study abroad courses offered during winter or spring break should respect the existing academic calendar by scheduling travel to and from the destination when classes are not in session. 1.) PROCESS AND DEADLINES A limited number of short-term study abroad courses are expected to be approved for each academic year. The number of courses will not usually exceed four; the number of students will not usually exceed 60, unless resources allow. Deadlines for courses during winter break All sponsoring faculty must consult with the Office of International Programs for any study abroad course offered during winter break. Oct. 15 Submit to the Director of the Office of International Programs an Expression of Intent to propose a new or existing study abroad course for the following spring term. The Director of the Office of International Programs will consult with the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of Special Programs, and others as appropriate and will provide an initial response by the end of the semester. Dec. 1 Following upon consultation between the sponsoring faculty and the Director of the Office of International Programs, review of initial proposals and recommendation of courses will be made by the Dean of the Faculty, the Director of the Office of International Programs, the Director of Summer Sessions, the Chair of Curriculum Committee, and the Chair of the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning. Jan. 15 Upon the approval of the initial proposal, sponsoring faculty creating new courses submit a final proposal to the Curriculum Committee through the Associate Dean of the Faculty for the following spring term, with all the appropriate signatures. Courses that contribute to an Interdisciplinary Program must also be signed by the program director before being submitted to the Associate Dean. Feb. 1 Announcement of short-term study abroad courses for following academic year. Deadlines for spring term courses All sponsoring faculty must consult with the Office of International Programs for any study abroad course offered during the spring term (includes spring break or extending a spring semester course beyond the end of the spring semester). Oct. 15 Submit to the Director of the Office of International Programs an Expression of Intent to propose a new or existing study abroad course for the following spring term. The Director of the Office of International Programs will consult with the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of Special Programs, and others as appropriate and will provide an initial response by the end of the semester. Feb. 1 Following upon consultation between the sponsoring faculty and the Director of the Office of International Programs, review of initial proposals and recommendation of courses will be made by the Dean of the Faculty, the Director of the Office of International Programs, the Director of Summer Sessions, the Chair of Curriculum Committee, and the Chair of the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning. Mar. 15 Upon the approval of the initial proposal, sponsoring faculty creating new courses submit a final proposal to the Curriculum Committee through the Associate Dean of the Faculty for the following spring term, with all the appropriate signatures. Courses that contribute to an Interdisciplinary Program must also be signed by the program director before being submitted to the Associate Dean. May 1 Announcement of short-term study abroad courses for following academic year. Deadlines for summer term courses All sponsoring faculty must consult with the Office of Summer Sessions for any study abroad course or program offered during the summer months. June 1 Submit to the Director of Summer Sessions an Expression of Intent to propose a new or existing summer study abroad course or program for the following summer. The Director of Summer Sessions with consult with the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of Special Programs, and others as appropriate and will provide an initial response by midsummer. Sept. 1 Following upon consultation between the sponsoring faculty and the Director of Summer Sessions, review of initial proposals and recommendation of courses will be made by the Dean of the Faculty, the Director of the Office of International Programs, the Director of Summer Sessions, the Chair of Curriculum Committee, and the Chair of the Committee on Educational Policies and Planning. Oct. 15 Upon the approval of the initial proposal, sponsoring faculty creating new courses submit a final proposal to the Curriculum Committee through the Associate Dean of the Faculty for the following spring term, with all the appropriate signatures. Courses that contribute to an Interdisciplinary Program must also be signed by the program director before being submitted to the Associate Dean. Dec. 1 Announcement of short-term study abroad courses for following summer. Expression of Intent Form 1. What year and month will this course be offered?___ January of 20__ ___ March ___ Summer 2. DepartmentCourse # (2XX, 3XX for new courses)  Instructor(s)  Course information: Provide a broad description of the course or program topic(s) and location(s), and specify clearly whether this is: a modification of an existing course offered during the fall or spring semester with a study abroad component added to it; a new course you propose to offer during the fall or spring semester with a study abroad component added to it; a new course or program not tied to an existing course, and that you propose to be offered in January or during the Summer .  4. Prerequisites (include brief rationale):  5. Semester Hours of Credit and Rationale: Hours of CreditRationale 6. FACULTY QUALIFICATIONS: Sponsoring faculty should briefly describe the academic expertise and relevant international experiences required to inform and guide the proposed course of study. Attach a CV. 7. SELECTION OF PARTICIPANTS: Briefly describe the students who will likely enroll in the course and the number you anticipate enrolling. 9. RESOURCES AND LOGISTICS: The questions below are intended to elicit information that will allow the Short-Term Study Abroad Committee to assess the resource implications of the course or program. Because study abroad requires extensive resources, the proposal must include evidence of consultation on resource implications with the relevant department chair(s) and the directors of the Office of International Programs and/or Summer Sessions. Limits on staff resources, limits on student financial aid, practical obstacles, emerging safety concerns at the host location, financial considerations, low levels of enrollment, or other factors may, of necessity, lead at any point to the cancellation of an otherwise approved course or program. Judgments concerning the specifically practical or financial viability of a course rest with the Dean of the Faculty, the Director of International Programs and/or the Director of Summer Sessions. a) How will this new course affect the instructors teaching schedule? b) Will the course replace a course previously offered by the instructor? (If so, then you must submit a Routine Course Revision Form to delete the course.) c) Will offering the study abroad course require hiring adjunct faculty to cover an on-campus course? Explain. d) Provide an estimated budget based on realistic estimates of all costs of the course, including partner institutions, classroom space, housing and meal arrangements, international and local transportation, accommodations for field trips, safety and health considerations, and admission fees. Please attach detailed information prepared in consultation with the Director of International Programs and/or the Director of Summer Sessions. Signatures: Sponsoring Faculty MemberDate Chairperson/Director of Department/ProgramDate     -  PAGE 4 - -B: }WX>9;!" "5"U"q"##A###(n*o*{***************jh0JCJOJQJUhCJOJQJjhUh5OJQJhOJQJ h6 h5>* h>* h_2hh hCJ h5A-BC !9 : |}2 h^` hgd$ ha$ $ h@&a$**#PWX>9<m h$If h^gd ^` h h^`}} h$If hqkd$$Ifl0rt"r 0t"4 lal $ h$Ifa$qkd$$Ifl0t"04 lalzpp h$If $ h$Ifa$ hqkd.$$Ifl0t"04 lall Y!!!!!yyyoo h$If & F h & F hqkd$$Ifl0t"04 lal !!!" 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