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This discussion included i) a primer on the taking of minutes; ii) the process of delegating an issue or charge to a task force or sub committee- how they differ, and when it seems most appropriate to keep an issue before the full membership of CEPP; iii) the need for CEPP members to be informed of College issues; and iv) the need for CEPP presence at all faculty meetings and open forums. There was strong support for the idea (presented by a member of student academic council) for the need to find opportunities to strengthen the relationship/communication between faculty and student governance. The following topics were discussed: 1. CEPP Membership We had a brief discussion regarding CEPP membership. 2. Beijing Program A proposal was brought before CEPP by the Beijing steering committee to terminate the relationship with Beijing University and replace it with a relationship with the International Education of Students organization (IES). Three central issues in the existing (Beijing University) relationship that led to this proposal were that i) the relationship was financially unsustainable; ii) The College had little control over course content iii) there was little to no opportunity for College faculty to instruct. In consideration of the expectations of the Freeman Foundation (that ends next year), whose funding helped to establish the program, the steering committee recommended that the College continue a program in Beijing by partnering with IES, an organization with a seemingly strong and proven track record. A partnership with IES would be more easily sustainable, would allow much greater flexibility in course content, permit student exchange, and would enhance College faculty participation. It was noted that the Freeman Foundation Grant also stipulates a need to create professional faculty development opportunities. Elements of this relationship with IES must still be negotiated. It was decided by CEPP to submit two separate motions to the floor of the faculty: the first to terminate the relationship with Beijing University and the second to create a relationship with IES. 3. Advisory Committee on International Study (ACIS) Discussion centered on proposed changes to student opportunity in short-term study abroad and semester abroad. An earlier proposal by an IPPC subcommittee on financial aid (Admissions and Financial Aid) that would in effect reduce the opportunity for short term and semester abroad opportunities, owing largely to financial aid resources, has been rescinded. The current ACIS guidelines are extant. There is an October 15 deadline for submission of short-term study abroad proposals reflecting an 18-month period between proposal submission and the target date of the program. Students will still apply for financial assistance independently. Credit will still be allocated as the programs are coupled with a class. One issue that remains to be clarified is managing faculty compensation (credit hours and instructional load) for short-term study abroad programs. Two proposed changes to the short-term study abroad program are as follows: i) financial aid packages for study abroad students receiving financial aid will be 50% grant and 50% loan; and ii) a maximum number of short term study abroad programs available to any student will be three per academic year. 4. Writing Task Force (WTF) A 16-point set of recommendations, developed by the Writing Task Force, was brought to CEPP during the 2005/06 academic year. Owing to urgency in other matters, only one CEPP meeting was devoted to a discussion of the WTF. In that only one member of CEPP was present on the writing taskforce (M. H), there is a real need to devote a full CEPP-member discussion to this set of recommendations and subsequently to present CEPP’s writing recommendations for an open forum discussion. A central issue is whether CEPP will endorse all 16 points of the task force recommendations as written or if CEPP will choose to modify the recommendations in the development of a proposal that will form the basis of a faculty-wide open forum discussion on student writing. A timeline was suggested for the WTF proposal that included devoting significant discussion of this issue during the next two CEPP meetings, hosting an open faculty forum in October, presenting the motion to the floor of the faculty in November and conducting a faculty vote in December before the end of the 2006 fall academic term. 5. CEPP sub-committee appointments. Dan Nathan volunteered to serve as a CEPP representative on the CEPP FYE sub-committee. 6. Tenure Lines in Interdisciplinary (ID) Programs At the request of the CAPT, CEPP will study if tenure lines in ID programs are appropriate and feasible. The rationale for the request from the CAPT that CEPP be involved in this issue is that the CAPT views their role as procedural and that the issue of tenure lines in programs is, ultimately, an issue of policy. A brief discussion centered on means by which CEPP might identify programs that, by their nature, are interdisciplinary and would be best served by the opportunity to provide one or more tenure lines within the program (as might be the case proposed for Environmental Studies). This scenario is contrasted with faculty lines that rest largely within one discipline, but are contractually obligated to serve some percentage of their time in an ID program (i.e. a Biology tenure track line with a 33% contractual obligation to Neuroscience). The need to address the ‘tenure track line in programs’ issue is made more urgent by a recent grant to УФМЇжБВЅ from the Arthur Vining Davis foundation stipulating funds for a tenure-track line in Environmental Studies. т у ц і , - . 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Beijing Proџџ-џў§@џЛ(2g-)ram-§@Л)k -(вТ&A proposal was brought before CEPP by џџ-џў§@џЛ(вЂt-)he-џD)9 -)Beiџџ-џў§@џЛ)Tj-)ing-џD)M -)steeџџ-џў§@џЛ)^r-)ing-џD)M -)coџџ-џў§@џЛ)9m-).miџџ-џў§@џЛ)@t-)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)e-)e-џD) -)toџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ t-)ermiџџ-џў§@џЛ)on-)aџџ-џў§@џЛ)t-)e-џD) -)theџў-џ§ў@џw)J -(Тrelaџџ-џў§@џЛ)[t-)ionship-џD)Б -)withџџ-џў§@џЛ)k -)Bџџ-џў§@џЛ)(e-)ijing-џD)o -)Uniџџ-џў§@џЛ)Zv-)ersity-џD)† -)andџџ-џў§@џЛ)W r-)"eplaџџ-џў§@џЛ)ec-)e-џD) -)itџџ-џў§@џЛ)" -)wџџ-џў§@џЛ)+i-)th-џD)/ -)aџџ-џў§@џЛ) r-)"elџџ-џў§@џЛ),a-)tionship-џD)Т -)withџў-џ§ў@џw)k -)the-џD)J -(\ТInternaџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ћt-) ional Eduџџ-џў§@џЛ)шc-)ation)y of Stuџџ-џў§@џЛ) d-)ents-џD)a -)organџџ-џў§@џЛ)‰i-)zation-џD)” -)(џџ-џў§@џЛ)I-)ES).-џD)i -) Thrџџ-џў§@џЛ)fe-)e-џD) -)ceџџ-џў§@џЛ)6n-) tral issues-џD)ю -)inџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ -)the (ЁТ existing (Bџџ-џў§@џЛ(ЁЬe-)ijing-џD)o -)Uniџџ-џў§@џЛ)Zv-)ersity)-џD)š -)rџџ-џў§@џЛ)e-)laџџ-џў§@џЛ),t-)ionship-џD)Б џџ-џў§@џЛ)t-)hat-џD)J -)ledџў-џ§ў@џw)J -)to-ўˆ)/ -)thisџў-џ§ў@џw)W -)proposal-ўˆ)Я -)weџџ-џў§@џЛ)Fr-)e-џD) -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)at-џD), -)i)џў-џ§ў@џw)% -)the-џD)J -(цТrelaџџ-џў§@џЛ)[t-)ionship-џD)Б -)wasџџ-џў§@џЛ)] -)finanџџ-џў§@џЛ)|c-)iџџ-џў§@џЛ)a-)lly-џD)@ -)unsustaiџџ-џў§@џЛ)Хn-)ablџџ-џў§@џЛ)Je;-)* ii)-џD)E -)Theџџ-џў§@џЛ)^ -)Cџџ-џў§@џЛ)(o-)lleџџ-џў§@џЛ)=g-)e-џD) -)hadџџ-џў§@џЛ)W l-)itџџ-џў§@џЛ)"t-) le control-џD)х -)oџџ-џў§@џЛ)v-)er-џD)/ -)coџџ-џў§@џЛ)9u-)rse-џD)F -( +Тcontentџџ-џў§@џЛ)В -) iii) ther)Гe џџ-џў§@џЛ)*w-)*as-џD)2 -)liџџ-џў§@џЛ)"t-)tle to-џD)z -)noџџ-џў§@џЛ)< -)opportunџџ-џў§@џЛ)йi-)ty-џD)/ -)forџџ-џў§@џЛ)F -)Colleџџ-џў§@џЛ)ƒg-)e-џD) -)facџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ju-)lty-џD)@ -)toџў-џ§ў@џw)/ -) instruct.-ўˆ)Ф -) Inџ§-џќџ@џ3)A -( pТ consideraџџ-џў§@џЛ)чt-)ion-џD)M -)ofџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 -)the expџџ-џў§@џЛ)Џe-)ctџџ-џў§@џЛ),a-)tions-џD)u -)ofџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 -)the-џD)J -)Fџџ-џў§@џЛ)!r-)eeman-џD)ž -)Foundџџ-џў§@џЛ)™a-)tion)^ )(tџџ-џў§@џЛ)%h-)at ends-џD)Ј -)nextџџ-џў§@џЛ)h -)yџџ-џў§@џЛ)e-)ar))C,џџ-џў§@џЛ) -)whose-џD)™ -( ЕТfunding helpedџџ-џў§@џЛ( Е- -)to-џD)/ -)estaџџ-џў§@џЛ)^b-)lish-џD)W -)theџџ-џў§@џЛ)J -)progџџ-џў§@џЛ)nr-)am, џџ-џў§@џЛ)gt-)he-џD)9 -)steeringџў-џ§ў@џw)П -)comџџ-џў§@џЛ)hm-).itџџ-џў§@џЛ)"t-)ee-џD)6 џџ-џў§@џЛ)r-)ecoџџ-џў§@џЛ)Tm-). mended that џџ-џў§@џЛ( Е ˜t-)he-џD)9 -( њТCollegeџџ-џў§@џЛ)М -)continџџ-џў§@џЛ)—u-)e-џD) -)aџџ-џў§@џЛ) -)progџџ-џў§@џЛ)nr-)am-џD)J -)inџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ B-)6eiџџ-џў§@џЛ),j-)in)/g byџџ-џў§@џЛ)i -) partnering-џD)ј -)wџџ-џў§@џЛ)+i-)th-џD)/ -)IES,џџ-џў§@џЛ)i -)an-џD)9 -)orџџ-џў§@џЛ)2g-)aniџџ-џў§@џЛ)Jz-)ation-џD)y -)wџџ-џў§@џЛ)+i-)th a-џD)X -( ?Тseemingly strongџџ-џў§@џЛ( ?_ -)and-џD)W -)provenџџ-џў§@џЛ)Ї -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)r-)ack-џD)T џџ-џў§@џЛ)r-)ecordџџ-џў§@џЛ)†.-) A-џD): -) partnershipџџ-џў§@џЛ( ? -)with-џD)k -)IESџџ-џў§@џЛ)Z -)would-џD)– -)beџў-џ§ў@џw)9 -)more-џD)| -)eџџ-џў§@џЛ)a-)sily-џD)W -( „Тsustainable, wouldџџ-џў§@џЛ( „‚ -)allow-џD)† -)mџџ-џў§@џЛ)/u-)ch-џD)9 -)grџџ-џў§@џЛ)2e-)ater-џD)[ џџ-џў§@џЛ)f-)lџџ-џў§@џЛ)e-)xibilџџ-џў§@џЛ)oi-)ty-џD)/ -)inџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ -) course conteџџ-џў§@џЛ( „жn-)t,-џD)  -)peџџ-џў§@џЛ)9r-)mit-џD)Q -)stuџџ-џў§@џЛ)Fd-)ent ( ЩТ exchange,џџ-џў§@џЛ)ѓ -)and-џD)W -)wouldџџ-џў§@џЛ)– -)enџџ-џў§@џЛ)9h-)ance-џD)o -)Cџџ-џў§@џЛ)(o-)lleџџ-џў§@џЛ)=g-)e-џD) -)f)aџџ-џў§@џЛ)c-)ulty-џD)^ -)parџџ-џў§@џЛ)Mt-)iciџџ-џў§@џЛ)=p-)ation.-џD)ˆ -) џџ-џў§@џЛ)I-)t-џD) -)wasџџ-џў§@џЛ)] -)noted that the ( ТFreeman Foundaџџ-џў§@џЛ( Xt-)ion-џD)M -)Grantџў-џ§ў@џw)‰ -)also-ўˆ)a -)stipulџџ-џў§@џЛ)†a-)tes a-џD)l -)needџџ-џў§@џЛ)r -)to crџџ-џў§@џЛ)le-)ate-џD)G -)proџџ-џў§@џЛ)Pf-)essional-џD)Т -)fџџ-џў§@џЛ)a-)culty ( SТdevelopџџ-џў§@џЛ)Пm-).ent-џD)J -)opportuџџ-џў§@џЛ)Лn-)itџџ-џў§@џЛ)"i-)es.-џD)A -)Eџџ-џў§@џЛ)%l-)emeџџ-џў§@џЛ)en-)ts-џD)( -)ofџџ-џў§@џЛ)2 -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)is-џD)( -)relaџџ-џў§@џЛ)[t-)ionship-џD)Б -)withџџ-џў§@џЛ)k -)IES-џD)Z -)mustџџ-џў§@џЛ)u -)sџџ-џў§@џЛ)t-)ill-џD)3 џџ-џў§@џЛ)b-)e ( ˜Тnegotiџџ-џў§@џЛ)—a-)ted.-џD)Y -§@Л) -( нТ -*EIt was decided by џџ-џў§@џЛ( "xC-)'EPP-џD)g -)toџџ-џў§@џЛ)/ -)submit-џD)Є -)twoџџ-џў§@џЛ)Z -)s)eџџ-џў§@џЛ)p-) arate motions-џD( " -)toџў-џ§ў@џw)/ -)the-ўˆ)J -)floorџў-џ§ў@џw)u -)of-џD)2 -)theџџ-џў§@џЛ)J f-)"acuџџ-џў§@џЛ)Tl-)ty:-џD)@ -) џџ-џў§@џЛ)t-)he-џD)9 -( gТ first to teџџ-џў§@џЛ)кr-)minџџ-џў§@џЛ)^a-)te-џD), -)tџџ-џў§@џЛ)h-)e-џD) -)rџџ-џў§@џЛ)e-)laџџ-џў§@џЛ),t-)ionship-џD)Б -)withџџ-џў§@џЛ)k -)Bџџ-џў§@џЛ)(e-)iџџ-џў§@џЛ)j-)ing-џD)M -) Universityџџ-џў§@џЛ)ў -)and the-џD)Џ -)secondџў-џ§ў@џw)Ї -)to-ўˆ)/ -)cџџ-џў§@џЛ)r-)eaџџ-џў§@џЛ)6t-)e-џD) -)aџў-џ§ў@џw) -( ЌТrelaџџ-џў§@џЛ)[t-)ionship-џD)Б -)withџџ-џў§@џЛ)k -)IES.-§@Л)i -( ёТ -*E03. 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