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Old Business: Review of CEPP agenda for this year, continued Mature Students: The committee discussed how УФМЇжБВЅ might accommodate the educational needs of mature students now that UWW is in the process of being phased out. It was noted that as the College explores educational opportunities for УФМЇжБВЅ employees, it should also explore opportunities for older students from the region who might be interested in auditing courses or taking courses for credit. Questions of scheduling, what offices might be involved in this issue, and how credits would count toward a degree were raised. CEPP will invite Dean of Special Programs, Jeff Segrave, to join us for a conversation as he has been charged with investigating what educational options are available for mature students. Dean’s Cards and Course Evaluations: Rik Scarce has begun the process of collecting historical data regarding the Dean’s Cards. He also attended a conference where he learned the pros and cons of on-line student evaluations. He will continue to keep CEPP apprised of his investigations as he moves forward toward making recommendations for revising УФМЇжБВЅ’s Dean’s Cards. New Business: Goals for Student Learning and Development Sarah Goodwin, Assessment Coordinator, joined CEPP from the Assessment Steering Committee. Sarah will take part in President Glotzbach’s Town Hall meetings around the country over the course of this year, and CEPP agreed that she should be able to refer to the Student Learning Goals when she discusses assessment at УФМЇжБВЅ at these meetings. Claire Solomon discussed the goals with students on the Academic Council of SGA and found that there is much confusion regarding assessment. The Committee discussed with Sarah the next steps in bringing the Goals for Student Learning and Development to the faculty for a vote. It was decided that Erica, Terry, Sarah, and Beau Breslin (a member of the Assessment Steering Committee) would meet to write a motion and rationale to bring to the faculty at the October meeting. Between that meeting and the November meeting, CEPP will hold a forum to discuss the Goals with faculty. CEPP discussed how it would move ahead on the issue of On-line learning, and whether the College should knowingly accept transfer credits from on-line courses. It was agreed that it is important for CEPP to keep IRC apprised of its schedule for these discussions. Erica offered to go to the IRC open meetings. CEPP discussed sending a survey out to faculty and students regarding on-line teaching and learning. Next meeting: September 23, 8:30 a.m. in Library 213 Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted by Erica Bastress-Dukehart 34D U Œ Ѕ њ §   E N T m Œ е 0 N U Ž  м щ    ; H U   $АЧв7efАД№*-25€‚’јэтэжэјэјэјэјэјэјэЫэЫјЫјЫжЫПЫјЫПЫДЫДЫДПДјДЉДјДјДјДЉДЉ‘Љhg_мhg_м5OJQJhg_мh є5OJQJhg_мhg_мOJQJhg_мh єOJQJhg_мh!6е5OJQJhg_мh!6еOJQJhg_мh8r5OJQJhg_мhТN‹OJQJhg_мh8rOJQJhg_мOJQJ8456бв  C D   Ž  Ш Щ fїїїїїїїђђђъђъхниаиШПЗ & Fgd!6е„8^„8gd!6е & Fgd!6е & Fgd!6еgd!6е & Fgd8rgd8r & Fgd8rgd8r$a$gd8r’ўfg:;_`’њђэшршззз„h^„hgdg_м & Fgdg_мgdg_мgdg_м & Fgd єgd є 21h:pТN‹Аа/ Ар=!А "А # $ %ААаАа а†*œ˜žžžžžžžž666666666vvvvvvvvv6666666666666666666666666666666666Ј6666666666И666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666А6@@ёџ@ zi NormalCJ_H aJmH sH tH ^^ zi  Heading 1$Є№Є<@&"5CJ KH OJPJQJ\^JaJ `` zi  Heading 2$Є№Є<@&$56CJOJPJQJ\]^JaJZZ zi  Heading 3$Є№Є<@&5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJNN zi  Heading 4$Є№Є<@&5CJ\^JaJRR zi  Heading 5 Є№Є<@&56CJ\]^JaJLL zi  Heading 6 Є№Є<@&5CJ\^JaJ>> zi  Heading 7 Є№Є<@&^JDD zi  Heading 8 Є№Є<@& 6]^JR R zi  Heading 9 Є№Є<@&CJOJPJQJ^JaJDAђџЁD Default Paragraph FontRiѓџГR 0 Table Normalі4ж l4жaі (kєџС( 0No List RўЂёR zi  Char Char10"5CJ KH OJPJQJ\^JaJ RўЂR zi  Char Char9$56CJOJPJQJ\]^JaJLўЂL zi  Char Char85CJOJPJQJ\^JaJ@ўЂ!@ zi  Char Char75CJ\^JaJFўЂ1F zi  Char Char656CJ\]^JaJ8ўЂA8 zi  Char Char5 5\^J:ўЂQ: zi  Char Char4 CJ^JaJ@ўЂa@ zi  Char Char36CJ]^JaJ>ўЂq>  zi  Char Char2OJPJQJ^JV>V zi  TitleЄ№Є<@&a$"5CJ KHOJPJQJ\^JaJ PўЂ‘P zi   Char Char1"5CJ KHOJPJQJ\^JaJ FJF zi АSubtitle Є<@&a$OJPJQJ^JDўЂБD zi А Char CharCJOJPJQJ^JaJ*WЂС* zi `Strong5\:XЂб: zi @Emphasis56OJQJ]4ўт4 zi  No SpacingaJ @ўOђ@ zi List Paragraph ^„аm$*ў* !zi аQuote 68ўЂ8 zi а Quote Char 6CJaJHўH #zi р Intense Quote "]„а^„а 56aJFўЂ1F "zi рIntense Quote Char 56CJBўђџAB zi 0Subtle Emphasis 6B*phZZZJўЂQJ zi PIntense Emphasis56>*CJaJDўЂaD zi №Subtle Reference >*CJaJDўЂqD zi Intense Reference 5>*CJFўЂF zi  Book Title56CJOJPJQJaJ6ў6 zi p TOC Heading)@& ’ џџџџ456бвCDŽШЩf g    : ; 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