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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O2 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal 8Noteb Note   9OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???:$Percent ;Title1Title I}% <TotalMTotal %OO= Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`Sheet1 Recognize and compensate committee service ALONG WITH ALL OTHER forms of "optional" faculty "service" (e.g., directed learning courses, advising beyond the norm etc.).pA couple of search committees. My department does not have any permanent committees, though perhaps we should.8Organized a two-day academic conference held at ļֱ&It requires a certain time committmentoCommittee work, and especially chair responsibilities, seem to differ enormously from one department to anotherTo Q. 15: I would think *any* substantive incentive would be worth considering, including the stated options, and also course releases for the more onerous committee responsibilities (I'm not sure if these are ever negotiated currently).I, and I think perhaps other junior faculty, have the sense that many (by no means all) senior faculty do not necessarily pull their weight. This means that sometimes a significant amount of the committee work is being done by relatively new and inexperienced faculty who may not always have enough knowledge and perspective about the college to carry out their duties as well as they might.2elected to HC @ same time as CC; served only on CC,Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC)!FYE Assessment ad-hoc subcomitteeAssessment Social=I'm not sure how much the adminstration truly values service.Certainly advising. The most approachable faculty members have the largest loads of advisees, and this can become quite burdensome!Recognition by the adminstration for service, particularly by untenured faculty. The encouragement of senior faculty to participate in order to serve as role models for younger faculty.Mthese are reasons I plan to do so in future (I'm on parental leave right now)7I don't think I know enough to give an informed opinion)If it is mandatory, you get people who do not want to do the job and therefore are more likely to do it poorly. I think incentives should not be financial, but in time such as a course release so people can devote the time necessary to do a good job on a major committee without becoming a martyrAgain, being new and on leave for half of my first year I don't feel in much of a position to make informed judgments. I'll let you know after I have provided more service!VLatin American Studies Advisory Board, Phi Beta Kappa President; PBK Members in CourseAt least two searches/yearDept. self studyNo for 'traditional' kinds of service. Yes if and only if that service benefits the underserved communities in the Capital District. That is, service that provides a concrete and substantial benefit to the community that gives back beyond the campus should get some form of alternative recognition. Advising, departmental committees, or other forms of traditional service should be accepted as part of the work.Much of my service is for interdisciplinary programs, student advising, honors societies, and ad hoc committees (Middlestates, Assessment, etc) which also need staffing but which would be even harder to find folks to work for if the choice each year is between an elected committee and an ID program. Service to the college should be mandatory, but if the committees are not getting staffed, the response should not be forced service but reconsidering the cost/benefit for individuals and the college of committee work. Do we need a FEC and an IPPC and a CEPP, for example? Do UWW and MALS need elected committees? Could we combine some committees?:Revamp entire system to reduce the number of committees and ad hoc committees. Do not equate service with teaching and research. Also, an alternate form of compensation for substantial service could/should be course releases (or lowered caps for courses?) if the college decides to make service more 'important'. Time is generally the least available resource to faculty, and committee work is problematic compared to the many hours of other forms of service (student advising, thesis supervision, club advising, etc) which require meetings and teaching (grading papers for 80-90 students when teaching 3 courses...); a little extra funding for research or in form of salary stipend will not provide the extra hours. Regarding the time committment, you might have asked for the average teaching load per year as an additional factor. I wonder if most service is done either by junior faculty or by senior facutly who are not teaching full 5 course loads. And you might have asked people how many hours they estimate they spend weekly during a semester on service work.)colloquium committee can't remember.....2I would like service to be EFFECTIVE in its goals.Phi Beta KappaAward committee for Honors Convocation Award Writing Committee Committee to revise the Department's Honors Thesis requirements Committee to write proposal for fractional line. (Wrote the whole thing, actually.)EI USED TO view committees in the way my checkmarks indicate. No more.}You really need more space here for comments. I thought you were trying to find out why people aren't running for committees? It can't be.various ad hoc committeescourse release task forcejtenure and promotion review committees X 3years student thesis committees X 3years hiring committeesSpecial Programs, uww1None of the above, all I can do is plead insanityFrustration with administrationRe: # 15 - Committee service is not valued by the administration and by CAPT sufficiently. I'm not sure it is even valued by other faculty. So, why do it? Why force someone to do it? In the spirit of "someone has to do it", there should be rewards associated with it. College service should be awarded credit in the same way that scholarship and teaching are. It should mean something to the CAPT. If it did, you'd have more service from faculty.See # 16 ippc, fecQadministration caring about work of committees and faculty's input into decisions+"Working group" for Faculty Handbook Part 69Artists-in-Residence Committee; Zankel Building Committee?Music Artists-in-Residence Committee; Zankel building committeeGiven the total number of ļֱ faculty members, there is always a certain number of faculty "stars" who rise to the surface and are elected. Not necessarily always a bad thing, but it does seem to lock some out of service.LEGITIMATE department committees. Representation of ļֱ at off-campus venues. Specifically I believe advising should NOT be given special weight. It should be a faculty obligation faculty accept and enjoy as a part of their interaction with students. Some faculty take on TOO many advisees and some TOO FEW. Not all faculty members are equally capable, of course, but neither should it be an "assembly line" process for a relatively small number of faculty.If all faculty were required to perform committee service, the load would be much lighter for all. I do not subscribe to the notion that faculty are over-worked.Service on committees, especially major committees, should be distributed in such a way as to allow a larger proportion of faculty to be involved.Special Programs Study Group)Curriculum Committee, Personnel CommitteeEditor of a journal in my fieldYI have been discouraged by the extended meeting times and proliferation of sub-committeesSome people do not have the kind of vision, attention to detail, or interest in college governance that makes for effective committee service.Science Librarian Search Committee (2008) Expanding Horizons Library Committee (2000-current) Instruction Committee (2001-current) Part-Time Reference Librarian Search Committee (2005) Reference/Instruction Librarian Search Committee (2008)=Non-tenured limits the number of committees open for service.>There should be incentives to serve, but not mandated service.?Fewer committees with more consistent and efficient work loads.5Zankel Committee for development of Arts Admin. MajorJSchick Art Gallery Exhibitions Committee; FAC (faculty advisory committee)8They take too much time away from other responsibilitiesBProfessional work: research, creative production, publishing, etc.< Perhaps have fewer committees, thus the demands for service would be lessened. Reduced load for those who serve on major committees that consume large chunks of time.CAS-Intercultural and Global Awareness Task ForceFirst Year Reach Selection Committee (x2), First Year Reading Programming Committee, Writing Assessment Committee for FYE (x2), Fox-Adler Lecture Planning Committee, Law and Society Steering CommitteeHistory Department Search Committee for Tenure Track American History Line (x2), History Department Search Committee for Tenure Track Asian History Line, History Department One-Year Replacement Search Committee (x6)iService is not rewarded with concomitant reduction is workload elsewhere and becomes a burden as a resultJAt a small institution like ļֱ, I would expect that service is mandatory, but I do feel that it should be rewarded incentives. Either of the two listed in question 15 would be fine (or some other similar reward that allowed the faculty to balance the demands of teaching and scholarship that we are also called upon to do).See comments to number 16.:Being Dept. Chair pretty much took up all my service time.Reduce the teaching load.dStatus as non-tenure track faculty; On contract so generally not eligible for various committee work#Expository Writing; Majors' AdvisorHAdvising and representing the department and college at numerous events.7Absolutely not. Some people are horrible on committees.It's simple: make it matter. This adminisraion does its own thing; there's a guise of listening to the faculty, but that's all it is.The ex-FEC, the Fac. CouncilBI have been elected to those committees I have stood for election.$several dept. committees & sub-comm.II have served on at least 4 Dept. Committees or sub-committees ANNUALLY.There needs to be a merit or a reward system in recognition of one's committee or college service beyond the normal expectations.UTry to establish a fair system in which there is some recognition of faculty service.Personnel Policy CommitteeVarietyThere are a variety of ways to contribute service to ļֱ that does not involve formal committees. These contributions should be just as valued in the tenure decision-making process.AYes; faculty who use their skills to help support the college's institutional commitment to diversity-work or other aspects of campus life that fulfill our Strategic Plan should be also valued for their service. This work can occur on committees, but can also be accomplished (sometimes more effectively) in other forms.%See response to question #11 and #17.WWe need to broaden scope of what is / is not considered "legitimate" service. There are conflicting definitions that are often generational, subjective, and contradictory to our overall mission. Regarding #14, if incentives are offered for committee work, we also need to offer similar compensation to other service-related work on campus.)Hiring & personnel committee--three years3For CEPP I was a one-year replacement, not elected.3External Review, curriculum development, job search>I prefer investing my time and energy on departmental affairs.It's becoming way too important and onerous when one has to do scholarship and be an outstanding teacher. It tends to crowd out the scholarship, which is why most of us got into this profession in the first place.%Search, Curriculum/Assessment, BudgetToo many committees. Most of them serve no meaningful purpose. There should be no more 5-7 committes. Make service meaningful and competitive! Art Department Gallery CommitteegHave served on most of those committees (and/or their predecessors) in the past - on multiple occasionsI think different individuals contribute in different ways. Too bad we cannot have a system that is flexible enough to encourage this. We used to.*Some expectation of service at some level.We have lost a perception of community. To change this we might: Foster an environment where faculty contributions result in real change. Change the perception that advancement is dependent upon becoming yes-presons to administrative overtures. Stop program generation as a path to advancement. Generate an atmosphere where faculty opinion is valued and respected. Faculty as more than just employees. And...things like health care or the lack of it...are indicators of the extent individuals are valued. One dean and, very long ago, a provost, told me, "most faculty retire embittered and disappointed." This should be unacceptable.FYE Advisory Group.Faculty Advisory Committee (Art & Art History)FYE assessment project; New Faculty Liaison; Library search committee; lectures for alumni groups (both on & off campus); program representative for prospective/accepted candidates events; college representative at CIC/NITLE conferenceI am involved in numerous service activities other than committee work; family commitments make it imperative that I allocate time and energy carefullyEYES! Interaction with alumni and trustees, both on and off campus. Faculty play a crucial role in promoting institutional goals and strengthening support for new initiatives, and it is puzzling that there is no category for recording this form of service on the annual report. [Mentoring (especially now that it is defined more expansively), as well as advising independent studies and theses, should certainly be acknowledged and rewarded as important activities and contributions beyond the regular teaching load, but I am not sure they make sense under the rubric of service.]My sense is that junior faculty in different departments receive very different messages about service. I have heard junior colleagues report that their chairs have discouraged them from running. It is impossible (and probably undesirable) to standardize the service mandate, but perhaps more effort could be made to clarify the role of department chairs in advising junior faculty about this aspect of their professional work. Glad you folks are investigating this issue!;multple ad hoc committees via dean's and president's office psychologyeditorial work in disciplineAnthro Search Committee, 2007-08 Art Management Committee, 2007 Beijing Steering Committee (as member and as chair)2004-2006 Faculty Rep to the ļֱ India program consortium; faculty director in India (fall 2006); currently Chair of the contortium Board OIP Paris Program Director search committee, spring 2006 OIP Program Coordinator search committee, fall 2005. Asian Studies Self-Study committeeIIsn't it? Do chairs really allow faculty to not serve on any committees?RVarious hiring committees for both tenure-track and non-tenure track appointments.Encouraged by a committee chair; encouraged by other colleagues both in my department and outside of it (not including my chair)Is advising a teaching or a service function? Regardless, it ought to count but doesn't. I'm more concerned about independent studies on that score, however (clearly teaching and NO CAPT credit or compensation or teaching credit???? BOOOO!). Look, service counts for squat. One of my colleagues says it's binary at the junior level--you either got it or you don't. There's no need to add-on, as I have done. Moreover, the administration will tell you that as scholarship has increased its weight and as teaching has remained the same, the piece of the pie that's been cut into has been service. It just doesn't matter, yet it definitely ought to matter much more--we're a small community and everyone needs to pull weight.$Let's not be fascists about this issue. Rather, let's create a climate where service is honored and respected. Let's let junior faculty know they won't get their heads cut off if they venture into dangerous territory--one senior person once told me, "Never do anything to hurt the faculty" or else I'd jeopardize my tenure case. Well, sometimes on committees we do and say "dangerous" things because, dammit, that's what we sign up to do. Let's create a culture where we all can speak freely (by the way, that means on the faculty floor, too!).Orientatio< n; FYE Advisory Council; Scribner Seminar committee; FYE prize; DOF Staff; Middle States Steering Committee; FYE Assessment CommitteeXAdvising and its relationship to teaching; supervision of independent studies and thesesCommittee work should remain voluntary, but we have done a poor job of cultivating a commitment within the community where service is valued and recognized. Too often faculty labor on committees, consult with colleagues, and issue reports, only to have those reports languish or receive little attention. Shared governance has become a misnomer, as have faculty meetings - the former includes little of the faculty's voice, and the latter remain opportunities for the administration to make announcements.As long as we continue to place so little value on service, then senior faculty will counsel junior faculty to do the absolute minimum and little more, and the sense of responsibility for governance that we claim to encourage remains a fallacy. The same, in fact, holds for advising and mentoring students; we don't assess it at all, we don't hold colleagues responsible for doing their fair share of advising, and we give it little to no weight. Yet our rhetoric emphasizes the importance of advising and mentoring. To effect change, we need leadership from at least two quarters: the Dean of the Faculty, and FEC. Until that leadership manifests itself, we will continue to wring our hands over service..one or two review committees; Zankel committeesee #3Expository Writing Committee Saratoga Reads; Emma Willard BOTThis is a toughie, but I've seen the "how does it count"/"Whatcha gonna pay me" tend toward corrupting folks; ergo mandatory, but I also think the work could be better customized toward folks' interestsAND retirees could have considerable usefulness here!see #16NCurriculum Committee, Evolving Canon Coordinator, Research Seminar CoordinatorI have enjoyed committee work that allows me--forces me--to read the work of my colleagues from other disciplines. I find such work gratifying and interesting..iNot sure about this one, or about the phrasing of the question. Will service be good if it is mandatory?BI would like to see an ongoing streamlining of faculty governance.7IPPC Admissions and Financial Aid and DOS RestructuringBDepartment of Art Faculty Advisor Committee Search Committees (3)bThere needs to be more recognition for the service, whether pay or promotion. It is a lot of work.ZDean of Student Affairs search committee 07-08; First-Year Experience Advisory Board 07-08&English Department Personnel CommitteeI have just returned to the faculty from the administration and was on sabbatical last year, so have not yet re-entered the committee system fully. Am currently stepping into coordinating Human Dilemmas so will not do other college committee service next year.College-level service should be expected of all faculty as part of our workload. That said, faculty work lives are cyclical, so there is no easy formula for how this should look. A complex topic that I can't do justice to here.yIt may be that we need to consider amending the criteria for tenure and promotion to place a greater emphasis on service./Personnel (1 year), Honors and Awards (2 years)search committee for SRO6Curriculum Committee (3x) Honors and Awards Committee\Don't feel that non-tenure-track folks should be obligated to work on all-college committeesACISAWe don't have department committees except for search committees.Bnon-tenure track status, I view SOME committee work as ineffectiveIt is part of college service.N/A2I think the FEC Chair should get a course release.@Faculty need to pony up; service is part of the job. Do the job.$FAC, our faculty personnel committeeAnd I mean everyone!!!I would like to see the willingness to serve system be replaced by an appointment one, with administration selecting a list of potential nominees from which faculty would then vote on. You are likely to get a lengthier pool of candidates this way because faculty are less likely to say no to an invitation. The latter system also may get some of the older faculty who never serve to step up to the plate.$Independent studies, thesis advisingWorking with UWW studentsmajor search committeeKbecause the department is small it's a committee of the whole on everythingalumni lectures)i used to view it as effective and usefulPi have been demoralized by my work on committees - esp. a major search committee@advising/mentoring, whatever that is - incredibly time consuminga tough one - do you want people on your committee who don't want to be there? how do we "punish" them if they do NO service? i'm ok with people who serve the college in various ways - if you give lots of alumni lectures, etc., why should you serve on committees?~i don't want to do any more service ever again. i don't believe the admin listens to faculty; i think the relationship between the two is pretty bad, maybe horrible - why bother? also, if you're chairing, should you also be expected to do much service? that's a lot of work for which we're not really compensated much. thanks for giving me the chance to express my ideas/feelings middle statestoo many to list2advising, departmental committees, MALS work, etc.gtoo many people get away with giving nothing back to the college beyond their teaching and scholarshipi'd like it to be valued We need a fair and comprehensive system to measure total faculty workload. It varies too much across disciplines/majors to privilige elected committee service. Many faculty excel in teaching AND scholarship AND advising AND directed learning courses and devote large amounts of time to non-elected committees, chairing, program directing ect. that are crucial but relatively specialized, and receive little to no recognition or compensation for all that, and then are expected to serve on major committees as well. If I was to minimize teaching and abandon scholarship, discourage students from being my advisees and avoid directed learning courses, and never serve as a chair or program director, but make a career out of committee service, I shouldn't receive extra compensation for that! Rather, we should bring back merit raises and use them to recognize all kinds of excellence in faculty performance, and service to the college beyond the norm in ALL areas of value to the college that faculty are involved in. Faculty should receive credit toward full year sabbaticals for excellence in scholarship, teaching overloads of directed learning courses, carrying larger than normal advising loads, or teaching overloads, not committee service! Faculty who are doing little to no professional scholarship, or who have never served as a chair or program director, or who do less than their share of advising students or directed learning courses should be encouraged to take up the slack in committee service. Faculty who do serve above and beyond the norm do so at the risk of being singled out by the administration to do more and more and more because they acquire a reputation for being available and effective in various types of extra service- faculty who successfully avoid committee service are usually left alone and let off the hook- yet we are all paid the same (Promotion to Full Professor is the only form of "merit" left but salary increments for promotion are relatively small). I would be more willing to serve on major committees if all the extra work I did in other areas was recognized and compensated to a greater degree, and if overall faculty workloads were more equitable apart from committee service, particularly with respect to teaching directed learning courses that don't count for faculty but do for students and amount to uncompensated teaching, and for advising 20-30 students semester after semester after semester, devoting large amounts of time to serving on essential appointed committees that few other faculty are willing to serve on, serving as chair/program director.....I figure that someday when I am "over the hill" with respect to teaching and scholarship and have fewer famil< y obligations (e.g. kids at home) I'll have more time for major committee service. RespondentID StartDateEndDate#Indicate your status at the collegeFWhat elected committee(s) have you served on in the last three years? ]What elected committee(s) have you run for, but not been elected to, in the last three years?GWhat appointed committee(s) have you served on in the last three years?aWhat appointed committee(s) have you run for, but not been appointed to, in the last three years?~What ad-hoc and other all-college committee(s), sub-committee(s) and task force(s) have you served on in the last three years?What ad-hoc and other all-college committee(s), sub-committee(s) and task force(s) have you submitted your name for but not been elected/appointed to in the last three years? QList all the departmental committees have you served on in the last three years? ICheck what other activities you participated in over the last three yearsfWhat factors have encouraged you to serve on all-College or faculty committees? (check all that apply)UWhat factors have discouraged you from serving on all-College or faculty committees? Are there any categories of work that you believe should be given more weight as service to the institution (e.g., advising, departmental committees)? Please specify.The expectations of what kinds of service count, and how much they count, in personnel procedures have in general been made sufficiently clear by my department, the Faculty Handbook and CAPT.Do you believe there should be incentives to motivate faculty to serve on major committees? (i.e., CEPP, CAPT, CAFR, FEC, CC, and/or IPPC) If you answered "Neutral," "Agree," or "Strongly Agree" to number 14, which of the following incentives would encourage you to join an elected committee? (i.e., CEPP, CC, CAPT, CAFR, FEC, and/or IPPC)EDo you think it should be mandatory that people serve on committees? :In general, how would you like to see service be improved?Tenured faculty7Untenured tenure track in my second three-year contract6Untenured tenure track in my first three-year contract"Full-time non-tenure track faculty"Part-time non-tenure track facultyPhased RetirementFaculty Executive Committee.Committee on Appointments, Promotions & Tenure,Committee on Educational Policies & Planning&Committee on Academic Freedom & RightsCurriculum CommitteeFaculty Development CommitteeTenure Review BoardTenure Appeal CommitteeHonors Council"University Without Walls Committee5External Master of Arts for Liberal Studies CommitteeAthletic Council+Institutional Policy and Planning CommitteeIntegrity BoardPlease specify other;Scholarship or award committee (e.g., Periclean; Fulbright)Committee on Academic StandingBoard of AppealsHonor Code CommissionInformation Resource CouncilInstitutional Review Board)Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee!Safety-in-the Workplace CommitteeAssessment Task ForceCampus Environment Committee+(Campus Safety) Security Advisory CommitteeEngineering Advisory Committee(Environmental Studies Steering Committee%Health Professions Advisory Committee/Intercultural & Global Understanding Task ForceNeuroscience Steering Committee"Palamountain Prose Award committee$Self-Determined Majors Sub-Committee Women Studies Advisory CommitteeSearch CommitteeOpen-Ended Response)Department Chairing or Program Directing.Departmental Search CommitteeOther department eventsCollaborative researchIndependent StudiesSupervision of senior theses!Advising or mentoring of studentsGuest-lecturing on campus9Administrative or governance work within your discipline.'Helping to organize all college events.-Advising of clubs and extracurricular groups.&Work on behalf of the local community.'Considerations for tenure or promotion.3I wanted to serve the College beyond by department.Chair advised me to run.8I feel that administration values service on committees."I have never served on committees.OIt is an opportunity for me to meet colleagues from other areas of the College.@I view committee service as effective and useful to the College.7I get personal satisfaction from serving on committees.$I am already on too many committees.Chair advised me not to run.The list of names of standing members of a particular committee I am interested in running for discouraged me from running on it.?Never seem to get elected when I submit my name for the ballot.SThe same people always get elected, and carry out the majority of the service work.1I get no satisfaction from serving on committees.(I view committee service as ineffective.@I feel that administration does not value service on committees.%Service does not make you marketable./Service on department committees is sufficient.4Service in other areas of the college is sufficient.)Service beyond the college is sufficient.AWould rather focus my energies on my teaching and/or scholarship.Health reasons.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreehAdded financial compensation towards your next sabbatical, calculated according to the amount of servicezAdded financial compensation towards travel to read or faculty development, calculated according to the amount of service.OtherYesNoComments6Zankel Music Center Task Force; Arts Admin. Task Force3Depatmental duties consume all time beyond teachingFaculty committees Consultation (were it ever valued) Effective advising is critically important, but should be tied to teaching, not serviceJNot everyone is necessarily effective in committee service. However, clear guidelines as to equivalent service should exist. Committee service should be an expectation - should it not be the right choice for individuals, the expectation would then be in a variety of areas designated as being equally important to the institution.I would like junior faculty to understand that the expectations for college service are very high. but fulfillment of this expectations could be, in part, through clearly defined alternative service opportunities.Health Task ForcezDoes not make sense for untenured faculty. In any case, it should be dependent on scholarship and professional engagement.casa center use task forcei am not a paper pusher and bureaucracy and bureaucracy is not my cup of safran tea also it seems to me that the term 6_fqq)tw- yT|~"f6zCAX I R _.r%a/O  +' 1- WS?;gc>:ccB  ^1%MPx  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?"B??tt&U^            ' 1 ; G T U b k z {                                            ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { |  }  ~                    V9A>lTU@>,ŒU@~ ?~  @ F~ U?W@@@Y[@ @\~ ^$@~ `(@~ c@h@ @i y z~ |@~ @~ @~ @  &4A>^cU@>TYU@~ @ F~ W@[@ @"@]~ `(@~ b?~ g@~ s"@~ w*@~ }@~ ?~ @ L3A>" U@>[|U@~ ?"@$@ ~ %,@~ W@$Y@@@ @"@]~ _&@~ g@~ m@~ o@~ u&@~ w*@ y z~ }@~ ?~ @  !1A>"-U@>kU@~ @ ~ "&@ F  S! T"$U?@@@@Y~ [@]"@$@^~ `(@ a#b?@cg@@ @i j$~ m@~ o@ y% z&~ |@~ @~ @~ ? 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