ࡱ> 796{ bjbjzz 1$;ELLLLL```8 `0$8!#LLLSSSLLSSSh?0:ֱ/"s0/$4$ ?$L?4SX$ : Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) Revised Motion on Faculty Handbook Part Six February 29, 2008 REVISED MOTION: On behalf of the Part Six Working Group, the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) moves that the Faculty of ļֱ (A) adopt the newly-amended Part Six of the Faculty Handbook, and (B) recommend to the Vice President for Academic Affairs that the policies and procedures described therein be reviewed within two or three years by representatives from Academic Affairs, the Office of the President, Human Resources, and the Faculty, and revised where appropriate. RATIONALE FOR THE REVISION: Faculty members at the open forum (Feb. 12) recommended that the review of Part Six be embedded not in the rationale of the motion (see below), but in the motion itself. The new motion also indicates that Part Six has been amended in response to comments received during the layover period. These friendly amendments and their rationales are presented in a separate document. * * * * * ORIGINAL MOTION: On behalf of the Part Six Working Group, the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) moves that the Faculty of ļֱ adopt the newly-drafted Part Six of the Faculty Handbook. ORIGINAL RATIONALE, PROCEDURES, AND CONTEXT: The Part Six Working Group consists of Susan Kress (VPAA) and Muriel Poston (DOF); Barbara Krause (Presidents Office); Barbara Beck (Director of Human Resources) and Herb Crossman (ADEWD); Dan Curley (FEC), Dick Hihn (CAFR) and Mary C. Lynn (CAPT). The Faculty Handbook has been without an updated Part Six since AY 2004/5, when CFG moved that Part Six be carried over from the previous AY, 2003/4; that version of Part Six also carried over into the 2005/6 Handbook. The 2006/7 Handbook consisted of Parts One-Five only, since the Part Six revised last year never made it to the faculty floor for a vote. Parts One-Five of the 2007/8 Handbook were adopted in November with the promise of a newly-revised Part Six later in the year. The Working Group began its revisions to Part Six in August 2007, and has been meeting semi-regularly, sometimes twice a week, ever since. The Working Group has been concerned to revise Part Six in a transparent, respectful, and broadly consultative manner. For example: An early draft of Articles I-VI was discussed in a Committee of the Whole at the October 5 Faculty Meeting. This draft was also shared with IPPC, IGUTF, and the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. A revised draft of these Articles, plus the remaining Articles VII and VIII, was discussed at a joint meeting of CAFR, CAPT, and FEC on October 24, with notes from that meeting transmitted to the Working Group. The Colleges attorney, Nick DAmbrosio, with whom the Working Group met late last term, has seen and acknowledged the viability of the antepenultimate draft. CAFR, CAPT, and FEC have each discussed the penultimate draft and transmitted comments to the Working Group. The current draft will be discussed by other committees and groups, including IPPC, IGUTF, and Academic Staff. There will be an open forum on the current draft on Tuesday, February 12, from 3:30 4:30 in Emerson Auditorium; all available faculty are encouraged to attend, especially if they have questions or concerns. All members of the Working Group will be on hand to provide answers and further context. Faculty who cannot attend the open forum may direct their questions or comments at any time to the Chairs of CAFR, CAPT, or FEC, or to any member of the Working Group. The current draft, sent out Thursday, January 31, on faculty-list is currently available on the Faculty Handbook web page, along with this motion and FECs proposed accompanying changes to Part Two. The Chair of FEC will send the URL of the web page in an email to faculty-list shortly after this meeting. The February 29 Faculty Meeting will provide an opportunity for substantive consideration of Part Six before the vote. The Working Group acknowledges that the current draft of Part Six is not perfect, but nevertheless is the result of compromise across the board. The members of the Working Group believe the document can be defended with confidence and in good faith. The Working Group recommends that the policies and procedures of the current draft, if adopted, be reviewed in two or three years and revised where appropriate. FEC encourages all faculty to read the newly-revised Part Six and all accompanying documents carefully, and to weigh them against the old Part Six, found most recently in the 2005/6 Faculty Handbook and available on the Handbook web page.     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