December 5, 2008
Gannett Auditorium
I. Approval of Minutes - November 7, 2008
II. President’s Report – Philip A. Glotzbach
I. Financial Situation of the College - Mike West
III. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report – Susan Kress
IV. Old Business
I. Committee on Educational Policies and Planning - Dan Nathan
MOTION - Termination of India Program
V. New Business - None
VI. Reports
I. Assessment Steering Committee - Dan Nathan and Sarah Goodwin
VII. Other
I. Faculty Development Grants - Kate Leavitt
VIII. Announcements
I. Kimberly Marsella and Erica Fuller - Campus Environment Committee
"Focus Ãļ§Ö±²¥" campaign's upcoming events
II. David Vella - Honors Forum
III. Mike West - Invitation to Community Reception