Nurcan Atalan-Helicke
Associate Professor
Contact Information:
Phone: 518-580-8372
- Ph.D. Ohio State University, Geography
- M. A., Bilkent University, International Relations
- B. A., Middle East Technical University, International Relations
Courses Taught at ļֱ
- ES 100 Environmental Concerns in Perspective
- ES 224 Political Ecology (civic engagement course)
- ES 303 The Politics of Food
- ES 307 Global Environmental Governance
- ES 302 Environment and Development in the Middle East
Research Interests
- Conservation of agricultural biodiversity
- Access to healthy food
- Genetically engineered food and Islam
- Critical pedagogies and sustainability
- Atalan-Helicke, N. 2020. "." Sociology of Islam 8(3-4): 343-363.
Abiral, B. and N. Atalan-Helicke. 2020.”” Food and Foodways 28(3): 226-236.
Atalan-Helicke, N. 2020. "Access to Healthy and Clean Food in Turkey: Food Activism and Mothers’ Concerns about Shopping for Change." In Edited by R. J. Bromwich, N. Richard, O. Ungar, M. Younger and M. Symons. Demeter Press.
Atalan-Helicke, N. 2019. "." Journal of Economy Culture and Society 59 (1): 13-30.
Atalan-Helicke, N. 2018. Local Taste, Global Markets, and the Conservation of Einkorn, an Ancient Wheat. Gastronomica: The Journal of Critical Food Studies 18(2): 33-45.
Marten, G. and N. Atalan-Helicke. 2015. “” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 5 (3): 308-320.
Atalan-Helicke, N. 2015. “” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 5(4): 636-649.
Atalan-Helicke, N. 2015. "" Agriculture and Human Values. 32 (4): 663-674.
Atalan-Helicke, N. 2014. "" Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 4 (4): 294-300.
Atalan-Helicke, N. and B. Mansfield 2012.“” Global Environmental Politics. 12 (4): 125–146.
Collaborative Research
Atalan-Helicke, N, A.J. Schneller, H. Alemayehu Mebrate*, C. Gonzalez*, C. Lois* (Accepted) “Seed Libraries in the U.S.: Regulations, Seed Saving, Seed Sharing and Seed Sovereignty” In Food Policy and Politics: The Role of Public Administration in the U.S. Food System. Edited by In B. Hoflund, J. Jones and M. Pautz. Lexington Books
- Atalan-Helicke, N. and C. Bettigole “Participatory Mapping and Wheat Landrace Conservation and Utilization in Turkey” (ArcGIS StoryMap)
- Atalan-Helicke, N. and H. Melek. “Municipalities and Local Government Actors in Marketing of Wheat Landraces in Turkey”
* denotes student authors
Other Research
- Atalan-Helicke, N. 2019. “Wheat Landraces and Gender Perspectives in Turkey: Consumer Expectations, Concerns and Willingness to Pay.” A report for CIMMYT (The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center). Executive Summary.
- Atalan-Helicke, N. 2019. “Value Chain Analysis for Four Wheat Landraces (Karakılçık,
Sarı Bursa, Sarı Buğday, Üveyik) in Turkey” A report for CIMMYT (The International
Maize and Wheat Improvement Center). Executive Summary.