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Studies approved for use of introductory psychology students involve minimal risk and include both an experiential learning component and a didactic debriefing component that ties the research participation experience to particular topics covered in the lecture. For example, students participating in the present study will learn first-hand about [insert topics covered in debriefing that relate to PS 101/102; e.g., learning, memory, conditioning, perception, experimental design, etc.]. Many students take PS 101/102 as 17-year-old freshmen. Parental involvement in the consent process is not practical for the large percentage of these students who do not live with their parents. Requiring parental consent of such students raises a barrier to an educational experience that is freely available to their older peers. Regardless of their age, undergraduates are not required to obtain parental approval of the classes that they take, the volunteer activities in which they participate, and/or virtually any other aspect of their campus life in which they choose to engage. It is reasonable, therefore, to accord them the right to participate voluntarily in approved minimal-risk protocols that meet the standards set by the College and the IRB. Submitted by: Principal Investigator Name: [insert name of PI] Faculty Advisor Name (if PI is a student): Date: [insert date]      !JPT]^_`klmo˴~vlaSF<7 hZ5hX6B* phphQhX6B* phphQhX6B* \phphX5B* \phph"hX5\h"h"5hZh hl75aJ hz5aJ huL5aJh h 5aJhl75B* OJQJ^Jphn,h ;hl75B* CJOJQJ^JaJphnhl75\^JaJ!hMhl7B*CJ^JaJphh d h d5\jhl7UmHnHu !^_`   & Fgd m$  & Fgdzm$gd gd"gdX 7$8$H$gdl7 $7$8$H$a$gdl7$a$ # 5 Q   !  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