Milligan Hill Site Collection
The Milligan Hill collection consists of artifacts surface collected from a plowed
field by Louis Follett and donated to Ãļ§Ö±²¥ in the late 1960s. The site
is located in the Town of Saratoga, Saratoga County, N.Y., and lies on the north side
of Fish Creek.
The assemblage includes a variety of diagnostic points (n=244), dating between approximately
8000 BC and AD 1000, utilized flakes (n=74), chipped stone tools (n=31), and ceramics
Among the chipped stone tools are bimarginally flaked tools (n=24, 12 of which are
scrapers), unimarginally flaked tools (n=50, 45 of which are scrapers), debitage flakes
(n=2), bifaces (n=51, 10 of which are scrapers), drills (n=12), marginal bifaces (n=16),
and preforms (n=17). In addition, 103 hafted bifaces (4 of which had reworked scraper
edges) and six bifaces with bifurcated bases were present. However, these did not
fit any specific types and were, therefore considered Untyped. The assemblage contains
rough and ground stone tools, including atlatl weights (n=4; one is complete), pecked
stones and other ground stone objects (n=4), a gouge (n=1), celts (n=2), nutting stones
(n=3), steatite bowl fragments (n=2), and ulu fragments (n=2). The ceramics (n=5)
recovered from the Milligan Hill site include an undecorated rim sherd, a cord-wrapped
stick impressed collar sherd, a dentate rim sherd with evidence for coiled manufacture,
an incised rim sherd (also with evidence for coiled manufacture), and an incised and
cord-wrapped stick impressed rim sherd.